Book 1: Characters and Combat |
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A trailer 8.76Mb AVI movie (720x486) |
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Certificates Characters can prove their worth to prospective employers. |
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Characters Write ups of some of the characters in my campaigns. |
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Courtesans An alternative career for MegaTraveller. |
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Terrorists And option for advanced MegaTraveller character generation. |
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Yori Soldier An alternative career for MegaTraveller. |
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Book 2: Starships |
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Bridge Charts Inspired by the ST:RPG article "Parrot Droppings" in Stardate magazine. |
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The Chaarnihom From a TML ship building Rodeo, here's my entry. It was supposed to be a highport for Yori, but ended up being a merchant ship of sorts. (Designed with High Guard) |
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Imperial Design Packages Almost from the beginning, the Imperium has encountered the problem of non-standard technology. Complicated devices, such as starships, were tied by their need for compatible spare parts to their world of origin. To help rectify this the Ministry of Transport routinely issues Imperial Design Packages (or IDPs). |
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Jump Drives Some rules for jump drives and the 100 diameter rule. |
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Jump drive notes Some thoughts on how jump drive works and some issues surrounding that. |
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Law Some simple laws for pilots and ship owners. |
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Libuka class Troop Carrier A massive Base Ship capable of carrying and deploying an entire army corps. |
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Material Design Sequence Expansion of hull materials for FF&S. |
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Panther class Experimental Frigate A 1000 dton ship with jump-4 and 6G ... and a 100 dton meson gun bay! |
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Registry Registry Of Ships. [Incomplete, but growing] |
01-Jan-2015 |
Starship and Spacecraft Identification Guide (incorporating All The Emperor's Fighting Ships.) [Incomplete, but growing.] |
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Book 3: Worlds and Adventures |
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Adventure: "Interdiction" (CT) An adventure by Michael Hughes. Classic Traveller version (WPD ZIP'd ... 39Kb) |
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Adventure: "Interdiction" (MT) An adventure by Michael Hughes. MegaTraveller version (Word97 ZIP'd ... 64Kb) |
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Adventure Log: Crossfire Write ups of some of the adventures in my campaign. Crossfire was a large single adventure with 12 players in 2 teams, usually playing alternate weeks. We played in a relatively noisy pub, so we did more combat than was probably necessary. It was focused on a JSB investigation into the kidnapping of a VIP. |
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Adventure Log: Odd Jobs Write ups of some of the adventures in my campaign. Odd Jobs was a 'proper' campaign, with several distinct adventures ... some of which are presented here. It was focussed on an Imperial Navy 'odd job' squad. |
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Adventure Log: Voyager Write ups of some of the adventures in my campaign. Voyager was a campaign where several charaters awoke from frozen watch onboard a largely deserted AHL cruiser thst had misjumped to near the galactic core. |
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The Odyssey Of The Bard Refuge A Traveller novel. This is loosely based on an old campaign. [Incomplete] |
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Book 4: Mercenary |
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The Hand of God, Sabre 3, Scarland Troop 18-man special forces unit from Yori/Regina honing their skills as mercs on Efate/Regina. |
House Mayer's House Troops, Alpha Company A 'picked' unit belonging to one of the Great Houses of the Sword Worlds ... sent to Tarsus near the end of the Fifth Frontier War. (Striker format) |
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Sacnoth Lift Infantry Brigade, 13th Lift Infantry Company A Sword Worlds 'conscript' unit used to garrison Mithril during the Fifth Frontier War. (Striker format) |
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Book 5: High Guard |
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Admirals A list of Admirals in the Imperial Navy who were involved in the Fifth Frontier War. [Incomplete] |
03-Dec-2002 |
Bases Not all naval bases are created for the same reason, excluding naval depots there are several broad types. |
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Decorations 'Medal' ribbons awarded to Imperial Navy personnel. |
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Miniatures Photos of Traveller ship miniatures. |
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Notes A brief analysis of the nature of the Imperial Navy - extrapolated for Fifth Frontier War information. |
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Ranks A list of all naval ranks, their insignia, and some notes. |
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Regulations General Regulations for Imperial Navy personnel in active service. |
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Terminology Terminology, slang expressions, figures of speech, and phrases, of the Imperial Navy. |
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Uniforms Uniforms of the Imperial Navy as at 1100. |
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214th Fleet Based at Glisten/Glisten (Spinward Marches) and under the command of Admiral Româo. This document shows the breakdown of the fleet's composition at the start of the Fifth Frontier War in 1107. |
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Book 6: Scouts |
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Aurora Info about Aurora, a system in one of the subsectors of Malorn (Word97 ZIP'd) ... by Guillem Plasencia. |
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The Big Map The Traveller Universe as of 1100. [Incomplete, but growing] |
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The Big Map The Traveller Universe ... no political markings. [Incomplete, but growing] |
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Landgrab: Asmodeus/Querion Circling an orange star beyond the Imperial frontier, and on the fringes of the Zhodani Consulate, lies the world of Asmodeus. A world ruined by a prolonged global war that included nuclear and biological weapons of mass destruction. The 20 thousand survivors live in former refugee camps dotted around the globe. |
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Landgrab: Efate/Regina After subsector capitol Regina, the most important world in the Regina Subsector is Efate. A key industrial world and gateway to the Jewell Subsector, Efate is plagued by civil unrest (a fact exploited by the notorious Ine Givar terrorist group). Efate is home to nearly 9 billion people. |
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Landgrab: Sting/Sword Worlds Located in the heart of the Sword Worlds in the Spinward Marches lies the unremarkable world of Sting. Sting orbits the M0 main sequence star Rotsonnen. This world is the ancestoral seat of Baron Karlstad and is home to 300 million people. Local inhabitants refer to themselves as "Stingers". |
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Landgrab: Yori/Regina Located in the Spinward Marches just 2 parsecs from Regina is the small desert world of Yori. Yori orbits the gas giant Dectura, which in turn orbits the F1 main sequence star Liecs (pronounced "likes"). This world is the seat of the Baron of Yori (one of the titles of Norris Aella Aledon, the Duke of Regina), and is home to nearly 74 million people (including about 30 million Humans). Yori is predominantly desert but has a great rift valley 10,000 km long with fertile land on its floor. |
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Malorn Malorn Sector for Gal2.4 (Sar ZIP'd) ... by Guillem Plasencia. |
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Book 7: Merchant Prince |
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Financial Markets The Imperial domestic stock and bond markets. |
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Freight Rules for bulk container freight. |
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Imperial Currency (Crimps) What does Imperial currency look like? |
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Miscellaneous |
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Comparative Ranks Comparing the naval ranks of different states. |
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Duchies of the Spinward Marches Duchy boundaries don't match subsector mapping boundaries exactly. |
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The Imperial High Commission 'Bases' for the Imperial beuracracy. |
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IMTU Codes Link to the 'In My Traveller Universe' codes are on Robert Eaglstone's web page. Peter Trevor 0201 C519552-5 S va dr+ zh- so+ sw 333 |
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Lagrange Points and Trojan Points explained A brief description and some trivia facts about Lagrange Points (aka Trojan Points). |
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Links Other Traveller web sites that might be of interest. |
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Music There's a US Power Metal band called "The Lord Weird Slough Feg" who play Traveller … and wrote an entire album about their campaign! If you can track down a copy it’s a lot of fun. |
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The politics of the Regina Subsector A brief overview of the 'legislative' branch of Regina's subsector government. |
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TML FAQ Link to the Traveller Mailing List - Frequently Asked Questions. |
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Wanted Posters Wanted posters issued by the JSB for the Spinward Marches (as at 1105). |
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Website Reviews Traveller web sites I've reviewed. |
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SolWiki A communal project to collect trivial 'facts' about the Traveller universe. |
Software |
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Ace and the Dog Unpublications A repository of useful tools. |
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AstroML Mark Preston's attempt at a common XML format for Traveller. |
04-Feb-2002 |
Data Clean On-going project to 'clean' electronic sector data. |
27-Oct-2003 |
Traveller Fonts A selection of useful TrueType fonts. |
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Galactic Jim Vassila's amazing universe mapper (and other software). |
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Heaven & Earth Stuart Fenris' amazing system detailer. |
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Icons Graphics for your website |
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Soundz A sound effects management program for any game. |
16-Sep-2002 |
SSC Editor Tool to edit Celestia SSC files. |
29-Aug-2005 |
Universe My own contribution to Traveller software aids. |
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Traveller Controls A user control for .NET developers ... just an Imperial Calendar control for now. |
29-Nov-2009 |
Traveller 5 |
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T5.09 Character Generation Aids Flowcharts for character generation |
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T5.10 Character Generation Aids Flowcharts for character generation |
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Referee Screens A set of Referee Screens for Traveller 5. This is a work in progress and represents the Referee's side only (so far). |
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UWP Script A T-SQL script to generate all possible UWPs as defined in T5. |
05-Oct-2014 |
YouTube A YouTube channel specifically for Traveller 5. Included are unboxing videos, 'how to' videos, and other items of interest. |
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