The Sword Worlds
The Sword Worlds
Originally settled by Solomani exiles during the period Settled at about the same time, the many worlds have progressed at about the same rate technologically, and the worlds are remarkably homogeneous socially and culturally. Nevertheless, the relationships between the many worlds have undergone many changes over the centuries. Worlds join together into confederations; those interstellar governments provide a safety of numbers. The precise nature of such confederations range from a simple trading community (with preference to its members) to a powerful empire. In 852, the Sword Worlds Confederation was established with its capitol at Joyeuse. It participated in the Third Frontier War on the side of the Zhodani; after the war, a coup by an anti-Imperial faction transferred the capital to Gram. All members of the Sword Worlds maintain independant local navies; they patrol their own systems for the protection of trade. The Confederation Charter calls for the confederalization of these forces in times of need; local admirals are then chosen (based on their homeworld's financial, equipment, and troop contributions) to lead fleets on operations. |
System name Hex UPP Code B Notes Z PBG Al ---------------- ---- --------- - -------------- - --- -- Hrunting 0101 B463747-9 M Ri 313 Sw Tizon 0102 B386887-A M Ri 323 Sw Narsil 0107 B574A55-A M Hi In 224 Sw Flammarion 0110 A623514-B B Ni Po 710 Im Colada 0202 B364685-B M Ag Ni Ri A 211 Sw Anduril 0206 B985855-B M Ri 222 Sw Mjolnir 0301 B530544-A M Ni Po De 522 Sw Joyeuse 0303 B464778-A M Ag Ri A 201 Sw Orcrist 0306 B8A6733-A M Fl 401 Sw Enos 0310 E25059B-4 M Ni Po De 710 Sw Gungnir 0401 B444779-8 M Ag 432 Sw Gram 0403 A895957-B M Hi In Cp 603 Sw Excalibur 0405 B324755-A M 402 Sw Tyrfing 0504 B637735-A M 701 Sw Sacnoth 0505 B775956-C M Hi In 801 Sw Caladbolg 0509 B365776-A S Ag Ri 710 Im Beater 0604 B685686-A M Ag Ni Ri 610 Sw Gunn 0609 E344110-8 Lo Ni A 602 Im Caliburn 0610 E000514-A Ni As 924 Im Dyrnwyn 0702 B958412-A M Ni 201 Sw Durendal 0703 B687334-B M Lo Ni 714 Sw Hofud 0704 B666553-A M Ag Ni 501 Sw Sting 0705 B645896-A M 302 Sw Biter 0706 B354623-A M Ag Ni 301 Sw Steel 0709 E655000-7 Lo Ni Ba 324 Sw Iron 0806 E529000-9 Lo Ni Ba 714 Sw Bronze 0807 E201000-9 Lo Ni Va Ic Ba 510 Sw Mithril 0808 E568000-7 Lo Ni Ba 301 Sw |