Imperial Grand Survey (circa 1100) - Detail Level 3 (Subsector)
Chronor Subsector
Chronor Subsector

The Chronor subsector lies at the extreme spinward reach of the Imperial frontier, and has long been a point of friction between the Imperium and the Zhodani Consulate. Chronor is the Imperial spelling of the subsector; the Zhodani corrupted spelling is Cronor.

Many worlds of the Chronor subsector remain nominally independent, although they are under Zhodani protection. Long term education and development programs are in progress to integrate these worlds into the Zhodani Consulate.

Quar is the site of an Imperial naval base. The world was originally settled by Imperials, but was pronounced independent as a result of the armistice after the Third Frontier War.


Lianic Subsector
Querion Subsector

System name       Hex   UPP Code  B  Notes           Z  PBG  Al
----------------  ----  --------- -  --------------  -  ---  --
Zeycude           0101  C330698-9    De Na Ni Po        613  Zh
Reno              0102  C1207B9-A    De Na Po           603  Zh
Errere            0103  B263664-B Z  C0 Ni Ri           910  Zh
Cantrel           0104  C366243-9    Lo Ni              520  Zh
Gyomar            0108  D8B2889-5    Fl                 824  Na
Thengo            0202  C868586-5    Ag Ni              801  Zh
Rio               0301  C686648-8    Ag Ni Ri           201  Na
Gesentown         0303  B21169B-C Z  Ic Na Ni           801  Zh
Chronor           0304  A636934-D Z  Cp Hi In           810  Zh
Atsa              0307  B4337CA-A Z  Na Po              810  Zh
Whenge            0503  D648500-8    Ag Ni              610  Na
Enlas-du          0601  E975776-6    Ag                 323  Na
Algebaster        0605  C665658-9    Ag Ni Ri           410  Na
Rasatt            0607  E883401-7    Ni                 910  Na
Ninjar            0608  A211666-C Z  Ic Na Ni           410  Zh
Sheyou            0610  B756779-A Z  Ag                 111  Zh
Indo              0703  E334662-5    Ni                 320  Na
Nerewhon          0704  E738475-7    Ni                 820  Na
Cipango           0705  A886865-C Z  Ri                 121  Zh
Stave             0710  E7667A8-2    Ag                 801  Na
Narval            0805  D525688-6    Ni              A  603  Na
Plaven            0807  E845300-3    Lo Ni              910  Na
Quar              0808  B532720-B N  Na Po           A  401  Na
Frond             0810  E9C3300-9    Fl Lo Ni           103  Cs
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